luni, 6 septembrie 2010

Circle I Limbo

Barack Obama
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

George Bush
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Emil Boc
Circle VII Burning Sands

Elena Udrea
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Traian Basescu
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

luni, 19 mai 2008

O Parere Freudiana

Femeile sunt precum merele neculese.
Cele mai bune sunt in varful pomului.
Majoritatea barbatilor nu vor sa se intinda dupa cele bune fiindca se tem sa
nu cada si sa se raneasca.
Prefera, in schimb, merele cazute pe jos, care nu sunt la fel de bune, dar
usor de luat.

Merele din varful pomului se gandesc ca este ceva in neregula cu ele, cand,
de fapt, sunt extraordinare.
Trebuie numai sa astepte sa apara barbatul potrivit, care sa fie suficient
de curajos sa urce pana in varful pomului.

Impartasiti acest mesaj tuturor femeilor care sunt mere bune, chiar si celor
care au fost deja culese!

Acum barbatii.
Barbatii sunt precum un vin bun.
Incep prin a fi struguri si depinde de femei daca reusesc sa stoarca toata
pleava din ei pana cand acestia sa se transforme in ceva acceptabil pentru

La 20 de ani o femeie vrea sa se marite doar cu cel care o iubeste. La 30 e
gata sa-l ia pe primul care o cere.

O femeie face un barbat din fiul sau in 20 de ani, in timp ce alta il
prosteste in 20 de secunde.

Femeia si hainele se aleg la lumina zilei.

Curajul la barbati nu e asa de rar cum se crede, dovada cit de multi se

Prostia este infinit mai fascinanta decit inteligenta. Inteligenta are
limitele ei, prostia nu.

Dragostea e oarba, dar casatoria ii reda vederea.

Este clar ca femeile sunt mai destepte decit barbatii. Ginditi-va: cel mai
bun prieten al lor sunt diamantele; cel mai bun prieten al barbatilor este

Sexul este pretul pe care femeile il platesc pentru casnicie. Casnicia este
pretul pe care barbatii il platesc pentru sex.

O femeie poate sa tina un singur secret: virsta ei.

Numai fetele cuminti isi tin un jurnal. Fetele rele n-au timp.

Daca vrei ca sotia sa te asculte cind vorbesti, vorbeste cu alta femeie. O
sa fie numai ochi si urechi.

Concluzia: Marea intrebare la care nu am fost capabil sa raspund este :

"Ce vrea femeia ?"".


marți, 4 martie 2008

Take this test!
As a result, you may tend to view yourself as a wonderful, lucky, or energized person. However you probably also have days when you feel less comfortable or set back. After all, you're only human. Still, other people likely appreciate you for your passionate personality and may even perceive you as a dynamo of sorts.

Because of your usual high level of self-acceptance and belief in yourself, you're generally open and accepting of others. This graciousness can include a tendency to be warm to those around you. It can also mean that you reserve your judgments of people until you get to know them well. People who come in contact with you likely appreciate this generous nature and may seek out your company. When it comes to dealing with yourself, you're usually equally kind. In most situations, you appear to understand that positivity is a more productive approach to life's challenges.

marți, 26 februarie 2008

Take this test!
Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.

It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.

luni, 25 februarie 2008

If You're Going to Die, Don't Do It This Way

Some people meet the most unfortunate ends. Let's hope you never end your life like this.

If you're going to go, go out with style!

Love Hurts

Dionicio Vela didn't trust his 22 year old wife Rosa to behave when he was away from his village in Peru whilst on business trips, so he made a chastity belt out of coarse rawhide and a padlock. Unfortunately the padlock he used was old and rusty, and in 1987 Rosa's skin became infected with septicaemia which eventually killed her.

Sweet Tooth?

It is a tradition in Australia for newlyweds to smear wedding cake on each other's faces. However, no one told German born bride Amy, for when new husband Chas pushed a slice into her face at their reception in Brisbane in September 1993, she hit him over the head with a bottle of wine. He died instantly.

Doctor Doctor

Shopkeeper Luigi d' Alessio, 47, shot his doctor dead in Foggia, Italy, when the doctor said he couldn't cure his cold.

A Bit Eggs-treme

Walter Juergens was served up eggs at every meal by his new wife Elfriede. He got so fed up with it that he left home. When he decided to return Elfriede immediately fried up some eggs for him. He shot her dead, remarking after his arrest: “I used to like eggs ...”

This Really Bugs Me

Air ace Colonel William T. Whisner, 65, who shot down 24 enemy planes over Germany and Korea and won the DSC three times, died in July 1989 after being bitten on the cheek by a gnat in his garden.

He Was Stitched Up

An unnamed man of 56 tricked his way into a house in Alicante, Spain, in May 1991, by claiming to be a sewing machine repairer. Once inside, he grabbed 18,000 pesetas and ran off. As the woman chased him, he tripped, swallowed his false teeth, and chocked to death.

The Flying Snake

Young Ghulam Nabi was mending his scooter in June 1981, on the road from Srinagar, India, to his home 15 miles away. As he crouched there a bird flew overhead with a live Viper in it's claws, which it dropped. The snake landed on Nabi's neck and bit him; he died a few minutes later. The bird, retrieved the snake and flew off with it.

An Extreme Cure

Nicholas Lovell was working on a computer at the home of his friend David Duquette in Gloucester, Rhode island. Lovell began to hiccup, at which point Duquette decided that the best way to cure him was to give him a fright. He went to his parent's room and got a loaded .38 caliber revolver, which he assumed was unloaded. Placing the gun to the back of Lovell's head, he shouted “Bang!”. The gun was loaded, curing Lovell of his hiccups.

sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2008